The new roof in Chardene looks awesome and the children moved into the classrooms immediately! Cabinets were made, walls were built, doors were painted and hung, soccer balls were distributed to the schools, and more improvements were made to Rachel’s Inn. The medical team administered to close to one thousand people. There were many infections, wounds that needed attention, a few pregnancies, and other concerns. They had plenty of help, caring interpreters, and prayers for everyone! What a blessing! God is so Good!
Today ends week three and week four begins. Six new volunteers with servant hearts arrived safely today. They got acquainted to their new environment and had a delicious meal. They will rest from their journey tonight and be put to work tomorrow!
Along with our blessings to the Haitian people, we were also very blessed by the things God showed us through them. We pray that we each grow in our faith during this experience and take part of Haiti back to America with us! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers! May God bless you richly!
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