Greetings from Haiti from Sabine, Shari, Heather, and Deb. After a long day of travel, we are here, safe and sound. We had so much fun traveling with Bestson. He is such a charming little guy, and was a delight to share the day with. His English is impeccable, after just 6 months in the USA for repair of club feet. He is wearing shoes with braces and is able to walk very well. He insisted on pulling his own suitcase through the airport. What trooper!
When we arrived at the Mission Center, Bestson's father was here to meet him. We sent him off with his father with hugs and a prayer.
We are all tired and are looking forward to getting a good night's sleep. Watch for more creativity in the days to come on this blog, when our brains are less tired.
Bestson's Fan Club
Bestson Job Shadowing - a Future Career?
Bestson and Dad - Reunited
April 30, 2019
Deb and Heather inventoried Anite's MPCA Pharmacy. No spiders there....that we know of.
This afternoon we had a seminar with the Community Agents. The Community Agents were so pleased with their Shutterfly books! Sabine and Heather did an amazing job organizing and cleaning in team store room.
It's been great connecting with our Haiti family. Sorry, no pictures tonight. We'll try to do better tomorrow.
It's such a blessing to be here!
In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8
May 1, 2019
Greetings from the Dream Team here is Haiti! AKA Heather, Shari, Sabine, and Deb.
There was no school today - so we had some extra time for YOU KNOW WHAT...The "I" word - not ice cream...but INVENTORY! You bring it, we will count it! And then, we will count it AGAIN. Guess what? Just found another suitcase full of stuff.
Tomorrow AM we are going to MPCA then back to the Mission Center for competencies again.
You go before me and behind me, You place your hand of blessing on my head, Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand. Psalm 139:5-6 NIHV
May 4, 2019
May 2, 2019
Be still and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world. The Lord of Heaven's Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress. Psalm 46:10-11 NLT
This verse helped us get started this morning as we went to MPCA. Deb and Shari met with Anite and the Community Agent there and found things to be in good order. Heather and Sabine spent the morning interviewing and photographing students.
The afternoon was spent with the other 6 Community Agents performing competencies.
One of our favorite ways to end the day is Kitchen Karaoke with our cook and sweet friend, Maude!
This verse helped us get started this morning as we went to MPCA. Deb and Shari met with Anite and the Community Agent there and found things to be in good order. Heather and Sabine spent the morning interviewing and photographing students.
The afternoon was spent with the other 6 Community Agents performing competencies.
You are the one that we praise; You are the one we adore
You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for....
Oh, Oh our hearts always hunger for.
Ou se Bondye m’ap adore
Ou se Bondye m’ap bay louanj
Nan li jwen gerizon ak gwas
Pou tout vi mwen bezwen ou
Oh Oh Oh
Tout vi mwen bezwen ou.
May 3, 2019
Proverbs 22:17a A cheerful heart is good medicine. NIV
Today was full of "good" medicine. We started out in the cattle truck for our trek to St. Marc.
Heather and Sabine interviewed kids at St. Marc while Shari and Deb were with the Community Agents and Anite. Again, we found everything in good order. The kids were so friendly! When going with Oliese and Miline to distribute vitamins, we found ourselves in an English class. They all stood up and spoke English to us at the direction of their teacher. We spoke English back to them, because we know no Creole.
Heather and Sabine interviewed future "nurses, teachers, lawyers, masons, pastors, and cooks." Lots of potential!
Pastor Jean Michel drove us back to the Mission Center, and had a great surprise for us. He stopped at a store and sent Anite in. She came back to the car with a wonderful treat...Ice Cream for each of us in a variety of flavors. No lunch needed after that! What a kind gesture of love that was much appreciated!
This afternoon half of the Community Agents came for another set of competencies. We think they are enjoying one-on-one time with each of us. It's exciting to see them learning and they ask very insightful questions. They are a joy to teach!
After supper we prepared for our CPR class at Pierre Payen Clinic tomorrow morning. The CPR manikins are ready to go. We also perfected our Heimlich maneuver.
Today was full of "good" medicine. We started out in the cattle truck for our trek to St. Marc.
Heather and Sabine interviewed kids at St. Marc while Shari and Deb were with the Community Agents and Anite. Again, we found everything in good order. The kids were so friendly! When going with Oliese and Miline to distribute vitamins, we found ourselves in an English class. They all stood up and spoke English to us at the direction of their teacher. We spoke English back to them, because we know no Creole.
Heather and Sabine interviewed future "nurses, teachers, lawyers, masons, pastors, and cooks." Lots of potential!
Pastor Jean Michel drove us back to the Mission Center, and had a great surprise for us. He stopped at a store and sent Anite in. She came back to the car with a wonderful treat...Ice Cream for each of us in a variety of flavors. No lunch needed after that! What a kind gesture of love that was much appreciated!
After supper we prepared for our CPR class at Pierre Payen Clinic tomorrow morning. The CPR manikins are ready to go. We also perfected our Heimlich maneuver.
No worries...Deb is OK!
We started out with a cheerful heart.
From our hearts to yours.....CHEERS!
Are you all Right? These words rang through the campus at Pierre Payen Conference Room as we taught CPR to our new friends! We had a captive audience and they were so much fun to teach! They asked good questions and were so eager to learn!
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Dawn welcomed us at Pierre Payen |

One of their favorite parts of the training was practicing the Heimlich maneuver with the Choking Charlie Vest.
It would not have been complete without certificates and group picture!
This afternoon, we had our last competency day!
Tomorrow we are going to Lanzac for church. We are on our own for breakfast and lunch. Maude will return tomorrow evening.
Your love compels me, Lord, to give as You would give,
To speak as You would speak, to live as You would live.
Your love compels me, Lord, to see as You would see,
To serve as You would serve, to be what You would be.
That's all for now! Thank you for your prayers.
May 5, 2019
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 1 Corinthians 12:27 NLT
Even though we are miles apart and speak different languages, we are all one body in Christ.
Today we worshiped with our Haitian brothers and sisters at Lanzac. It was a time filled with much praise and singing. The children's choir sang, and several children played instruments. It was good to see the children being mentored in worship.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing and enjoying a swim in the ocean.