Sergo accompanied us as we went to MPCA today for worship. It was a beautiful service. Pastor Miguel asked a young man, Daniel, to sit with us to help out with the translation. This helped immensely in understanding the sermon.
Monita fixed chicken, beans & rice, plantains, and picklies for lunch, which we enjoyed. After lunch, Anite and the Community Agents and two translators came for a seminar. We briefly reviewed the scabies presentation that they began using in February. We were very pleased at how knowledgeable they were in sharing this information. One of the agents said that he had presented scabies education to his youth group at church. How awesome that some of the agents are branching out beyond their schools to share information they have learned that will help their communities to stay healthy!
We went over a new blood pressure presentation that has now been added to their teaching notebooks. There were many good questions. The plan is for them to present blood pressure education to clients at the blood pressure clinic on Tuesday.
Our seminar ended with each agent making a paracord lanyard to hold their name tags. They really seemed to enjoy this and caught on very quickly how to tie the decorative knots. This was such a fun way to end our seminar today. Singing and prayer was our benediction.
We feel so thankful to have this opportunity to serve in Haiti and to continue working with the Community Agents. God has blessed us so much today.
We are busy tonight preparing for tomorrow. We will be going to Dupin and St. Marc. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Belinda and Deb
May 21, 2018
Greetings from Haiti! What a glorious day! After a rainy, stormy, night, we started our day with prayers that the Good Lord would make it possible for us to get up the mountain to Dupin.... ANSWERED PRAYERS! Herve drove us safely to Dupin- muddy, muddy roads and all! We checked on several follow up students and saw some sick kiddos too, and best of all Deb and I got to see our sponsor students:) Then off to St. Marc for some more follow up, etc.... Made it back to the mission center and working on getting packed up for tomorrow's school visits and blood pressure clinic! GOD IS SOOOOO GOOD! Good night everyone, and thank you for your continued prayers.
Belinda and Kenbelove!
Belinda and Kurt (Anite's son)
Community Agents making their nametag lanyards. What fun!
Deb and Eldona - (notice 2 different shoes....again!)
May 22, 2018
Today started out with Belinda killing a scorpion in the pharmacy with the leg of the stool. It was rather juicy and we both screamed the whole time it was being smashed. There was another huge spider (not a scorpion) that showed himself, but his life was spared for today, because he disappeared under the pharmacy racks.
We started out in Lanzac and saw some of our favorite "regulars" The pictures below are especially for Sabine and Pam. We finished there around 10 AM and then moved on to MPCA. Belinda saw around 55 kids today between the two schools.
We didn't have much time after returning to the Mission Center before the blood pressure clinic started. Thankfully it did not rain. The Internet did not work most of the day. We were nearly done with the BP clinic when the Internet suddenly returned, which helped so much. It allowed us to look back at the histories of the people who were being treated. We did a video call to Dr. Jeff and he was able to communicate with all of us, including Anite. The video calls will be so valuable in the future for Anite to communicate in "real time" about students who have health needs.
Two of the Community Agents shared an educational presentation on blood pressure for those who attended the blood pressure clinic. They enjoyed sharing health information, and the people attending seemed to enjoy learning. They asked excellent questions.
We are busy this evening documenting everything and getting ready for tomorrow. The plan is to go to LaHatte in the AM. We will then have a Community Agent seminar in the afternoon.
We are so thankful for God's blessings - for health and safety and the joy we feel being able to serve here in Haiti. Thanks for your support and prayers!
Deb and Belinda
Community Agents Giving BP Education
May 23, 2018
Well we were off to a better start today with NO scorpions!!!! We had a glorious day: headed to LaHatte bright and early safely and securely in the driving expertise of Sergo. Saw several follow ups and a few sick kiddos. Got headed back a little late, but what a rich ride home as we all sang together in Sergo's truck with Anite and the translators. Next, a wonderful afternoon with the Community Agents as 6 of them presented their case studies. Deb worked so, so very hard to take such good care of all our blood pressure patients.
Here are some pictures from today:
John Robert, our Community Agent from LaHatte with one of the students
Deb and LaFortune - busy at work!
Belinda and the sweetest little boy you've ever seen!
Playing Ring Around the Rosie!
Community Agents hard at work writing their case studies!
May 24, 2018
We had a busy day at Chardene and saw a lot of kids. After we got back to the Mission Center, we had another Community Agent seminar. Tomorrow we are going to Degeance, but making some stops in Lanzac, St. Marc, and MPCA before getting together one more time with the Community Agents in the afternoon. The big news tonight is that Dr. Ted, a Haitian doctor we met in Nov. 2017, joined us at the Mission Center. He has been studying in the US, and will be beginning his residency in NY in July. He had some vacation time and came to Haiti to visit family in Port-au-Prince. He will be with us until Saturday, and will be traveling back to PAP when we travel to the airport. It will be great having him work with us the last day we are here. He also has some great medical connections here in Haiti, which hopefully will connect our kids who have special health needs to the right resource.
May 25, 2018
For our last blog post this trip, please enjoy the pictures because we are too tired to type anything that makes sense.
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Eat your heart out, Pam! |
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Sweet Degeance KIDS! |
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Kenson - For you, Andrea! |
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Our last day together 😢 |
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Dr. Ted is so happy to be here with some crazy ladies! |