September 4, 2015
The US and Canadian board of Mission Possible are here seeing the ministry, talking to our national leaders, encouraging those that have worked through our leadership academy, praying about what God has next for us, and enjoying the fellowship with each other and our brothers and sisters in Christ who live here.
We woke up in good time today and journeyed to Saint Marc to take care of some business. While we were there we walked through the downtown area and shared the sights and sounds of this busy community. We prayed with a father who showed us a photograph of his daughter who has a condition that is making her left lower extremity swelled.
We went up to see the Church and School in Saint Marc, Chardene and MPCA. School has not started yet, but the principles in each school shared with us great stories about the upcoming school year and we heard about number of leaders and teachers that have been students at our school. It made us feel good about the leadership focus of our mission and the potential of the students we work with.
In the evening, our leadership group came and ate supper with us. We had cake and celebrated their involvement. There are some great people working for us and we are going to have a graduation tomorrow.
I am posting two pictures.
The first is a photo of an accident we witnessed today. A young man was driving a large truck with large containers of water and as he went up a hill he started losing it, over corrected and the truck fell on its side. We saw it happening and there was nothing we could do but watch.
Water went cascading down the hill and amazingly the driver jumped out the side window (obviously he was not wearing a seat belt). We made sure he was ok and many people came, some filling containers with the free water that was pouring out.
I couldn’t help think about the frustrating position this young man was in and how he was going to tell his boss about what happened. If this is like normal accidents in Haiti, the truck will be there for days, weeks, or months. My mind went to the difficult situation that many of our students are in. They are in a desperate situation with little opportunity to get out of it. The young man in the accident needs a tow truck, a repairman, insurance, and an understanding boss to help him through his. Our school starts in a few days and our kids need spiritual help, discipline, a nutritional meal, and leadership training. The accident reminded me that a lot of these kids have a great need and we have the opportunity to help in ways that they cannot imagine.

The second image I am posting of a young girl that was on the beach this morning looking in at us and our team. I wandered if she is going to come to our school someday. I wondered if she could someday be one of the leaders that can help train in God’s word to reach the next generation and continue the mission. I am grateful for Mission Possible and look forward to see what God has in store for us.